Sunday 25 May 2014

[Review] Étude House Monthly Cleanser #12 (Red Wine)

Recently , I purchased Étude House Monthly  Cleanser #12 :D I really like the packaging (one of the reasons why I even bought it lol) 
Here's a pic ^o^ the first montly cleanser I actually tried was #9 Rice! 
I was literally waiting outside the étude house shop , waiting for the staff to display the cleansers before I went into to purchase #9 ^_^ hehe reminds me of T-ara's number 9!!! Might do a review for monthly cleanser #9 later? ^_^ 

LOL okay back to main point. I swear #12 is super good! So it's supposed to "make skin clean and bright with its red wine extract that removed dead skin cells" 

It actually works! I bought this for quite a long time but never used it until today. I scratched my face too hard because it was so hot! And I could see some "dead skin cells lookalike" ! not sure hahaha but it really looked like dead skin cells to me. And because of some issues , I cried a lot today and whenever I cry , my eyes will be extremely puffy and red :( surprisingly , after using this cleanser , the dead skin cells decreased significantly but my eyes were still red and puffy. Then at night , I used it again and tada! No dead skin cells at all. And my face feels cleaner(?) LOL what am I saying :P but yep it's super effective in getting rid of dead skin cells! 

Effectiveness : 10/10 (can't think of a reason not to give 10/10!) 

Packaging : 10/10 
-Super nice to touch hahahah 
-very cute and feminine 

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